Green Acres Meets Paris reserves the right to remove any previous posts without notice or explanation. I truly love hearing from readers and enjoy each and every comment. However, any comment deemed inappropriate or negative, including general spam, offensive comments or rude language, self promotional spam or other items unrelated to the post will be deleted without further notice or explanation.
Before contacting me, please consider if your product{s} is a good fit for Green Acres Meets Paris…including the aesthetic and editorial content that’s already been blogged about. Doing so will ensure a successful potential partnership. If you feel that your company/brand is a good fit, please e-mail vannadee37@yahoo.com for more information.
I am more than happy to team up with like-minded brands/companies to collaborate on all things style related. However, these posts will be written in my own words and will reflect my own opinion on the subject matter. Please contact me for more information on pricing etc… at vannadee37@yahoo.com.
Green Acres Meets Paris is a part of several affiliate advertising programs. This means that if you click and/or make a purchase through certain links on this site or any related social media platforms (including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and/or Pinterest), I may make a commission from that click and/or purchase. All opinions are my own.
Very nice blog. I was wondering if you could help me with something? I want to know how to get my posts on my front home page of my blog?
Thanks… as for your question? I have no idea. I have used the wordpress help board a lot so you might be able to find the answer there. Good Luck!
Hi Vanessa
I would like to follow you but can’t see a link. I am from the Secret Blogger Society. Please let me know if I can sign up for your blog?
Sincerely Yvonne
There should be a place down at the bottom of the page where you can subscribe to my blog. And thanks for following. You can also follow my Facebook page at https://www.Facebook.com/GreenAcresMeetParis … Hope to see you there!