Rooms That Sleeping Beauty Would Love

One might say that the living room is where he or she spends the majority of their time when they are home. Others might say the kitchen. And then there are some who would say the bedroom is where they spend a majority of their time when they are home. Then there are those (like me and my husband) who lived in studio-style living quarters and the only thing that separated the living room from the bedroom was an imaginary line down the middle of the room. I always say that “one of these days when I can build a house […]

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50 Questions Which Will Free Your Mind: Part 3

As part of “My 101 Things to do in 1001 Days” Challenge, I added the task to answer “50 questions which will free your mind.” These questions really make me stop to think. I encourage you to answer these questions. You may remember that I started answering these questions a couple of months ago. I am answering five questions a month until I have answered all 50 questions. I answered the first five questions on June 10th, and the next five on July 8th. Here are my answers to the next 5 questions. How old would you be if you […]

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How to Be a Role Model and Build Self-Confidence

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.  ~Eleanor Roosevelt It took me a long time not to judge myself through someone else’s eyes.  ~Sally Field In her speech at the Oscars in 1984, when she won for her role in Places in the Heart, Sally Field said to a room full of her peers, “I haven’t had an orthodox career, and I’ve wanted more than anything to have your respect. The first time I didn’t feel it, but this time I feel it, and I can’t deny the fact that you like me, right now, you like me!” […]

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Learning to Stay on Point Amidst Transition

I recently re-read an article that I had pulled from the May 2012 edition of SELF Magazine entitled, “Staying on Point.” It was written by Katherine B. Weissman, whose identity was her work – until she was laid off. According to her website,, she spent the majority of her career in editing, and served as the Executive Editor at the now defunct Mademoiselle, a position she had held for 18 years. In 2000, she went from editing to writing. For ten years, she was a freelance Contributing Editor for O, the Oprah Magazine. In the article, Ms. Weissman wrote that she had […]

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A Tribute to the True Power of a Woman

In the March 2010 issue of Glamour magazine, there was an editorial featuring an excerpt from Eve Ensler’s book I Am an Emotional Creature: The Secret Life of Girls Around the World. According to Glamour, this editorial is “the most important 433 words to read” because Eve Ensler “celebrates the true power of a woman.” Eve Ensler is a feminist, an activist, a playwright, and a performer, but she is best known as the author of The Vagina Monologues. You can check out her website – – if you’d like to find out more about her. Here is what Eve Ensler wrote: “Dear Emotional […]

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