Social distancing can affect several aspects of our lives, and the lack of spending time outside with others can have a real, negative effect on our bodies, and can lead to a decrease in energy. But there are several ways that you can boost your energy, from getting more sleep to adding vitamins to your daily regimen.
Many of us were overbooked and overstressed pre-pandemic, but when you’re always out and about and on the go, it’s easy to feel tired and overwhelmed. You might see it like an inevitable outcome of your lifestyle, but what if that’s not necessarily the case?
Social distancing is not something we normally do in our daily lives, but it has become the norm for millions of people around the world these last few weeks. It prevents us from coming in contact with the people and sources that typically stimulate us.
“Many people draw energy from nature, which is something you just can’t do inside the house. Some people get energy from talking and interacting in person with others. Shelter-in-place orders have obviously dramatically reduced this important interaction.”
Dr. Anup Kanodia, in an interview with HelloGiggles about how the lack of socialization can lead to less energy
There are some things you can do to boost your energy and rid yourself of your low energy problems. A few simple changes can make all the difference.
Get More Sleep

The first thing you should think about is the amount of sleep you’re getting every night. When you get more sleep, you provide your body with the rest it really needs. But if you fail to sleep between 8 and 10 hours a night (I typically get between 6-7 hours of sleep, sometimes less), the chances are your energy levels will start to run low at some point throughout the day. It really is worth getting those extra couple of hours sleep each night.
Be Active
It might sound a little counterintuitive, but it really does help to get a good amount of exercise as part of your regular routines. When you’re active, it can actually boost your energy levels and leave you feeling revitalized. That’s one of the reasons why many people start the day with a run outside. It could be just what you need at the moment, so why not give it a try? I like to turn on an Amazon Prime playlist and dance around the house. Whatever helps, right?

Limit Alcohol and Caffeine
Limiting your alcohol intake is never a bad idea, especially if you’re drinking more than the daily recommended intake level. Alcohol will leave you tired and it can lead to poor quality sleep that results in you feeling tired the next day as well. It’s a vicious cycle. While adults are social distancing themselves, the alcohol consumption rate has increased. If that’s your case, then try scaling back and see if your energy level increases.
Also, caffeine is something many people rely on to keep them feeling energized throughout the day, but it’s an artificial boost that leads to a big crash in your energy levels later on. TBH, I totally rely on my daily serving of Diet Coke to get me through the day. I could probably get by with decreasing my Diet Coke consumption and substitute it with increasing my H2O intake. Something to think about, right?
Take Helpful Vitamins
There are lots of vitamins out there that can help with your general health and well-being, and many of these will also boost your energy levels at the same time. That’s why you should probably start making the most of them. Do your research, make a short-list of helpful vitamins, and then talk with your family physician to see which ones to add to your regimen. Also, places like JS Health Vitamins can help you find what you’re looking for.

Manage Stress Better
Finally, you should start to think about how you can manage your stress levels better. You’re going to feel less energetic and more tired each day when you allow yourself to get continually stressed about work or whatever is causing your stress. It’s best to stay on top of this and ensure you avoid stressful situations whenever possible.
I know it may be hard to manage your stress during this time of social distancing, especially when families are isolating themselves at home, but don’t be afraid or ashamed to ask for help. If you need a break, then be honest with your family and take an hour to yourself to recharge your batteries.

Don’t just take a break, schedule them into your day. Take a short walk around your neighborhood. Have a one-person dance party. Take a relaxing bath after putting the kids to bed. Read a book or a magazine. Work on a puzzle. So many ideas!
If you’re an “essential employee”, talk with your HR rep to see if your company offers an employee assistance program. Talking with a professional may also help you manage your stress and give you some great ideas to help boost your energy levels.
If you feel as if your energy levels are persistently low and you’re not sure what to do about it, making the kinds of changes I’ve shared here is definitely a good option for you. It could be exactly what you need in order to get things back on track and start feeling more alert and alive each day.
How do you boost your energy?
Feel free to share your tips in the comments below.
Yours Truly,