The holidays have come and gone, and I realized that I didn’t write a “Links I Love” post for November. So, I compiled 15 links, including a few from November. From the best fashion movies to watch to why a fashion influencer walked away at the height of her success, and everything in-between.
Best Fashion Movies to Watch {Kate Waterhouse} – I’ve already seen most of these fashion movies, but they are so good that I could watch them over and over and still discover something new.
DIY: Hand-Knitted Throw Blanket {Lauren Conrad} – Yep, I’m going to have to try this DIY project!

Goodbye 2019, Hello 2020 {Atlantic-Pacific} – I love seeing all the fashion that Blaire wears and how she styles her outfits. She is such an inspiration. (Also check out Blaire’s latest / updated Q&A post.)

For Beyonce, Creativity is the Ultimate Power {ELLE} – “The more I mature, the more I understand my value. I realized I had to take control of my work and my legacy because I wanted to be able to speak directly to my fans in an honest way. I wanted my words and my art to come directly from me. There were things in my career that I did because I didn’t understand that I could say no. We all have more power than we realize.” This is why she is Queen Bey!

Our Stylist Reveals the Ten Shopping Essentials {Daily Mail UK} – NYC-based stylist Gayle Perry is “devoted to helping women feel happier and more confident in the clothes they wear no matter their body type, age, or budget.” In this post, she details the essentials that are really “essential” for anyone’s wardrobe.
What is CBD? {StyleCaster} – I’ve previously posted about using CBD in your health and beauty routine, and this post is a great introduction for anyone who is curious about what CBD is.

3 Quick Tips to Kickstart Weight Loss in Women Over 40 {Not Dressed As Lamb} – Yes, I’m over 40 and the weight just slowly crept up on me, and yes, it’s hard to lose weight when you’re over 40 and your metabolism has almost come to a screeching halt. These three tips are common knowledge, but are still a good reminder for anyone (regardless of age).
What is Kakeibo? {Refinery 29} – Japanese money-saving… that’s what Kakeibo is… so check out this post to learn more about it and why you should give it a try.
How to Harness the Stress-Busting Power of Lists {Goop} – I like a good list, and there is really something stress-busting and powerful about making a list, checking it twice, and marking off what you’ve accomplished.
Fashion Influencer Garance Dore Walked Away {ELLE} – “It’s a lot of ego, a lot of superficiality of who’s wearing what, and a lot of pretending to be cool.” Garance walked away from it all {insecurity and panic attacks}, and she influenced how “street style” is viewed.

10 Tips for Your First Trip to New York City {The Blonde Abroad} – All of these tips are great for not only first timers to NYC, but for anyone who is planning to visit the Big Apple.

Do Not Tell Me You’re Too Old {The Modern Savvy} – This is a great post dedicated to the inspiring 85-year-old Flo Meiler, and is for anyone (like myself) who says that they are “too old” to do something.
The Best Coco Chanel Fashion Quotes on Life, Beauty, and True Style {StyleCaster} – I’m obsessed with Chanel, so these quotes are LIFE” to me. They are so inspiring, and I hope you like them too.

Taylor’s Favorite At-Home Workouts {The Glitter Guide} – I have five more months on my gym membership, so I’m bookmarking this post so I can workout at home. This is a great list for any fitness level.
November 2019 Reading List {The Stripe} – Grace always has a great selection of books on her reading list, and I can’t wait to read Such a Fun Age and City of Girls.

What do you think about these “links I love”? What was your favorite links?
Yours Truly,