What do you think of when you hear the word “Halloween”? Haunted houses and spooky corn mazes? Trick-or-Treating? Block parties? Costume parties? Bobbing for apples? Candy corn? Scary costumes? Funny costumes?
Well, whatever haunting images you conjure up, here are some ideas that will help add a little spook to your night! Since Halloween is next Thursday, I thought put together a post featuring some cool yard decoration ideas as well as a couple of cool party ideas.
Some smaller children may be hesitant to approach your house if it’s completely spooky. These dried corn stalks, seasonal mums, and mini pumpkins that spell out “Trick or Treat” is a cool idea. It will give your yard or front porch a less scary and more welcoming look.

I was an English major in college and read (and loved) Edgar Allen Poe’s works. The man in the photo below is the great, late Vincent Price at Edgar Allen Poe’s grave. This rare, candid photo of the actor visiting Edgar Allan Poe’s grave at the Westminster Burial Grounds was taken by Jeff Jerome, the curator of the Poe House and Museum in Baltimore, when Mr. Price was on tour with his one-man show Diversions and Delights, in 1977.

Need a cute and easy costume for your pet? Then check this out. These ghostly dogs are adorable. They will definitely get a lot of doggie treats!

Source: The Fun Times Guide
This halloween chandelier looks like it’s easy to make. You could find some cool things at Hobby Lobby to decorate your chandelier!

The photo below is the Mausoleum in Pere Lachaise Cemetery in Paris, France. Kind of spooky, right? You won’t catch me there on Halloween night… or any night for that matter… not a fan of spooky!

Pick your poison. This bar set up is perfect for next Halloween party.

And speaking of poison… doesn’t this candy corn cocktail look yummy?

When you’re looking for table decorations, look for unique ones that your guests can take with them. For instance, this candy centerpiece not only looks good, but tastes good!

Want to make your front yard spooky? Then Martha Stewart has some great ideas! You could probably make these headstones out of styrofoam.

These mesh dresses are a bit ghostly and with strategically placed lights, these could be spooky. You could probably also use some glow-in-the-dark spray paint as well. I absolutely love these. They may not necessarily be Halloween-ish, but you have to admit, they are cool!

So how do you plan to celebrate Halloween? Are you going to a costume party? Are you planning to stay at home and pass out candy to all the trick-or-treaters? Or are you planning to go to a block party?
A bit of advice for your Halloween night… (1) wear reflective stripes or carry those glow-sticks while you’re trick-or-treating; (2) have a great time hanging out with friends; and most importantly, (3) don’t drink and drive! Stay safe!
Yours Truly,