Sometimes a Sunday can feel like an albatross around your neck, especially if you aren’t looking forward to your Monday. So, where’s the pause button on Sundays?
I know some people who “Netflix and chill” on their Sundays {I’m over here raising my hand as I binge-watch Gossip Girl}, while there are those who choose to work on Sundays. I actually plan to do a lot of things on my Sundays, but sometimes I actually do nothing all day long.

I work hard all week long that I honestly don’t feel {too} guilty for lounging around and doing nothing on Sunday. The office manager at my office worries that because I work so hard during the week that I’ll get burned out. On the contrary… I love my job and I honestly feel like my batteries are refreshed on the weekends, giving me the strength and energy to tackle whatever may come during the week.
With the weather getting colder, I’m all for snuggling up with a good binge-worthy TV show {try Netflix’s The Ranch or Schitt’s Creek} or a good book {especially after I get my household chores done}. I’ve even offered to help my husband out in his workshop, but I don’t know how to work on old Ford Broncos, so I’m pretty much in his way most of the time.
I know we can’t hit “pause” on our Sundays, although it would be nice. We can just take time to do nothing, even if we planned to do nine billion things. Sit back… relax… and consider this a “pause” on your Sunday evening!
Yours Truly,