If you look up “coconut oil” on Pinterest, you’ll find tons of links to articles boasting its benefits and unusual uses. Several years ago, dozens of celebrities jumped on the coconut oil bandwagon and they sucked us into the hype of its benefits.
I have been using coconut oil for almost a year, mainly as a moisturizer for both my face and my hair. I also use it to make a homemade coffee brown sugar body scrub. I always find it interesting how other people are using this oil.
You can use coconut oil in DIY recipes for body scrubs, homemade deodorant, and homemade toothpaste. Kourtney Kardashian uses it to moisturize her hair. Gwyneth Paltrow uses it as a skin moisturizer after an Epsom salts bath. Gisele Bundchen uses it in her skincare line, Sejaa pure skincare.

Kourtney Kardashian, US Magazine
Gisele Bundchen, Pinterest
I recently read an article in Harper’s Bazaar by Nicole Catanese about the benefits of coconut oil. You can read it here.
Some people mix it with baking soda and a few other ingredients to make homemade toothpaste. Other people use it for oil pulling. HealthyFoodMind blog details 111 ways to use coconut oil, while Herbs and Oil Remedies blog details 50 ways to use this oil.

Coconut oil is also said to boost metabolism and aid with weight loss, but my main uses are a moisturizer after my morning shower, as a facial moisturizer before applying my makeup, and as a nighttime moisturizer after washing my face before I go to bed.

Whatever you use coconut oil for, whether you use it when cooking or use it as a moisturizer or in a hair mask, the benefits are boundless.
Some Everyday Uses for Coconut Oil
There are hundreds of uses for coconut oil, and it is often used as a carrier oil for things like scrubs and lip balms. Here are just a few other ways that you might find this oil useful. {Source: Everyday Roots}
- Moisturize your skin.
- Prevent stretch marks.
- Use as shaving cream.
- Use as deodorant.
- Clean makeup brushes.
- Use as makeup remover.
- Make homemade soaps {or use in sugar scrubs}.
- Treat itchy dogs
- Prevent hairballs.
- Give your dogs a healthy shine.
- Healthy wood polish.
- Season cast iron pans.
- Soothe fly bites.
- Prevent lice.
- Frizz-fighter.
- Flaky scalp treatment.
- Prevent split ends.
- Small motor lubricant.
- Preserve eggs.
- Removes rust.
- Give plants a shine.
- Dust repellant.
- Unstick a zipper.
If you use coconut oil for something unusual, I would love to hear from you!
Yours Truly,