I realize that as I’m getting older, taking care of my skin is more important to me than finding the perfect makeup to cover my imperfections. Getting older may be a privilege, but that doesn’t mean we always love the cosmetic signs it brings with it – most of all aging skin.
Age spots, crepe texture, sun damage, dullness, loss of volume, wrinkles and lines – there is a whole array of signs of skin aging to contend with, all requiring different treatments to restore a youthful appearance. It’s not that we want to look ten years younger, but we all just want the best skin possible for our age.
An on trend look relies on fresh skin, which is so visible that you can’t escape its impact on your appearance. Effective anti-aging skincare very much means starting in your twenties.
Old age may still seem far away when you’ve just started a career and are still picking yourself off tequila-stained dance floors every weekend, but you need to remember that prevention is far better than cure. If you get started on your regime early, you’ll reap the benefits.
Good Habits Start Early
Some of the most fundamental skincare habits are also the simplest and most cost-effective. You just need to turn them into daily habits.
Leading dermatologists agree that not smoking, protecting your skin from sun damage, and drinking enough water are things which can have the single biggest impact on the quality and age of your skin {other than genetics}.
If you need it, get help to quit smoking using patches or hypnosis – the damage it does is immense. Talk to your doctor about whether there is a medication that is right for you to help you quit smoking.

Incorporate a quality sunscreen into your daily skincare routine. It should be a full-spectrum formula that guards against both UVB (which burns and can lead to skin cancer) and UVA light (which ages skin). There are many good options available now which are specifically designed to be non-greasy, non-comedogenic, and provide an excellent base for makeup.
Neutrogena Age Defense is a great {and inexpensive} moisturizer. For even more benefits, a product like IT Cosmetics Your Skin But Better CC+ Cream combines a foundation with SPF 50 and a cocktail of skin loving ingredients. It is available in Matte and Illuminating versions too. Simply apply for beautiful coverage and protected skin on the go.
Ensuring that you stay hydrated is also key. When we don’t drink enough water, out skin is one of the first areas to suffer, as the body directs water to our essential organs at the expense of our skin. Dehydrated skin not only looks dull and lifeless, but it actually makes you more prone to wrinkles, as skin that isn’t plumped creases and damages more easily.

Try purchasing a reusable metal water bottle and keeping it topped up throughout the day. You can also download an app that reminds you to drink water if you struggle to remember, and adding a little fresh lemon not only gives extra taste but also detoxifies from the inside out.
Sorting Out Your Diet
As well as the above habits, we are what we eat in terms of the look of our skin as well.
Excess sugar and refined carbohydrates {white bread, pasta and white potatoes, which the body treats as sugar} can cause glycation, which can cause wrinkles and sagging skin texture. There are many good reasons, besides your health and appearance, to limit your sugar intake or to find sugar-free alternatives.
Alcohol should also be an occasional treat rather than a nightly indulgence if you are concerned about your skin. Too much alcohol is a dehydrator and also dilates the blood vessels in your face, which can lead to rosacea.
Aim to eat fresh, organic options where possible. If you are a yo-yo dieter or have suffered from an eating disorder in the past, then you should seek professional support as this can seriously stress out and damage skin, hair and nails. Repeatedly gaining and losing weight can stretch out the skin and make it lose its elasticity, causing sagging.

Amp Up Your Skincare Routine
There are so many great products and treatments available now which can really change the look and texture of your skin – from high end microdermabrasion facials {which completely retexturize your face}, to cost-effective active ingredient treatments you can use at home. There really is no excuse not to take care of your skin.
If you haven’t already added Retinol to your daily regimen, it’s time to add it on. A powerful anti-ager, this ingredient comes in different strengths, from prescription-only formulas available through your dermatologist to lower-dose creams and serums you can buy over-the-counter.
Brands like The Ordinary have a dozen high-quality, single ingredient formulations. You can purchase a retinol serum from them for not much more than the price of your morning cup of Starbucks coffee.

Retinoids are powerful but they can cause irritation, so start with the lowest dose and work your way up so that skin can develop a tolerance. They also increase your skin’s sensitivity to sunlight, so it’s crucial to use a quality sunscreen every day. And if you are pregnant or planning to be, retinoids aren’t advised at all.
The best way to use retinol is as a night treatment, when your skin is at the peak of its regenerative powers. Combining retinol with Vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant, can ramp up your glow. Antioxidants protect your skin for the environmental damage of free radicals, caused by pollution. Active ingredients like grape seed extract, resveratrol, and green tea can protect your skin from damage.
All of these things have great preventative powers, but if you already have some signs of damage, you may need to combine them with a few professional treatments for maximum effectiveness. This is where microdermabrasion or laser treatments can help with resurfacing. Combine them with a powerful skincare routine and you can turn back the clock on skin aging.
Getting the basics of your lifestyle sorted, adding in a few of the more potent treatments, and tackling specific problems with dermatologic treatments can be a magic formula to keeping your youthful glow and stopping the signs of aging in their tracks.
How do you “age proof” your skin?
Yours Truly,
{Featured Image via Pexels}