April showers bring May flowers, and even though we’re already four days into the month of May, I’m bringing you a TON of “links I love” from the month of April! So plop yourself down in your favorite chair to check them out, or bookmark these links for later!
Let’s get this “links I love” party started!
DIY CBD Bath Bombs {Camilla Styles} – I’ve written about CBD products before, but these bath bombs take it to a whole new level! Definitely going to have to try this DIY project!

Summer Road Trip Essentials {Damsel in Dior} – Who doesn’t love taking a road trip? Even if it’s for just a weekend, you should take a look at Jacey’s trip essentials because you might realize you need something special for your next road trip. She also has a great post about vacation packing essentials.

How to Stay Motivated {Poor Little It Girl} – Staying motivated is hard work, but this post just hit home and really helped me out, so I hope you can enjoy this post as well.
My Birth Story {The Fashion Bug Blog} – I have been following Laura Wills for a couple of years, probably since she was pregnant with her second child. And now after the birth of her third child, she’s sharing her birth story. A lot of the bloggers I follow are either pregnant or have just given birth, and I’m extremely happy for all of them. I don’t have children myself {unless you count the four-legged kind}, so I consider myself an unofficial “auntie”.
Finding your Mother-Style {A Mother’s Edit} – I know this post was written for new mothers, to help them get their mojo back, but Ashley’s tips and tricks can be applied to anyone wanting to get their mojo back {like myself when I gained a few pounds}.
Hair Clips: Where to Get Them & How to Wear Them {The Sweetest Thing} – Emily has such amazing hair, and it makes the best canvas to showcase this season’s hottest trend. Hair clips are really big and can be seen everywhere, but these hair clips are way better and more stylish than the hair clips I grew up with back in the 70s and 80s.

The Most Important Part of Any Outfit {Hello Adams Family} – You might be thinking that it’s the dress or pants or top or bag or shoes, but as Liz points out, it’s something deeper. I won’t give it away, so click over there to find out what she says is the most important part of any outfit.
Amazon Haul {In Style with Britt} – I have been obsessed with other blogger’s Amazon’s hauls or their Amazon dupes. Britt’s haul features some great items, and I’ve already added a couple of things to my cart and wish list. {I may do a whole other blog post just on Amazon hauls and dupes!}
Affordable Spring Footwear {Penny Pincher Fashion} – I love affordable shoes that are not only comfortable but stylish. This post features several styles of spring footwear that are sure to become staples in your wardrobe!
April 2019 in Review {The Stripe} – What list would be complete without one of Grace Atwood’s posts, and this post is perfect! All I can say is — Enjoy!

Links I Love from Tennessee Bloggers
Walmart Fashion 101 {love ‘n’ labels} – When I’m looking for new fashion finds, I look to Knoxville blogger Peyton to show off some amazing and affordable styles. I love her fashion suggestions, like these from Walmart. Definitely check out Walmart online for more fashion that you can’t find in your local store.
How I define being an “It Girl” {KB Styled} – Nashville blogger Brooke Webb has amazing style and features a lot of great things on her blog. This particular post is great because she gives her honest opinion about being labeled an “It Girl”.
Is Influencer a Dirty Word? {Pearls & Twirls} – My friend, Katie, is an East Tennessee blogger, like myself, and she is amazing. I love her honesty and openness to talk/write about such a topic. Definitely give this a read.
Well, that’s all folks!
I’m heading to Lebanon this weekend with my husband to attend the Redneck Rumble spring car show, but we’ll be heading into Nashville to make do a little shopping at both the Opry Mills Mall and Green Hills Mall. I hope your weekend is beautiful and full of fun!
And… “May the 4th be with you!”
Yours Truly,