Happy 1st day of September, y’all! Today I’m gearing up to share another edition of “Links I Love”. I’ve definitely had a lot of time to read, considering how my life kind of turned upside down a couple of weeks ago. {I’ll explain a little later, so keep reading.} I’ve just a few links I wanted to share, including a yummy peanut butter chocolate chip cookie recipe that you will want to make this holiday weekend, and a shout-out to my new favorite fashion icon, Tracee Ellis Ross.
Jumbo Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies
I discovered this recipe via Luella & June. It was originally posted by Karlee Flores, who shared this cookie recipe on her blog, Olive & Artisan. I love both chocolate and peanut butter, and these cookies combine the best of both worlds. It’s even topped with some flaky sea salt. {Can you say “yummy”?} It makes 16 cookies, but if I were you, I’d just double the recipe because I think these will be your new favorite peanut butter chocolate chip cookie.
The Best Self-Tanning Products To Get That Perfect Summer Glow
Several years ago, I stopped using tanning beds and started using some great self tanners. I’ve used lotions, sprays, and mousses, but I’ve not yet tried self-tan drops. The Newsette featured several of their favorite self-tanners that are made with organic, safe ingredients, including one I am eager to try — the Tan Lux Self-Tan Illuminating Body Drops. Take that bronze goddess glow from Summer to Fall with one of these products.
This Fashion Blogger is Calling Out Major Brands to be More Inclusive for Plus Sizes
First of all, I adore blogger Katie Sturino. Her blog, The 12ish Style, features #SuperSizeTheLook, where she replicates a particular look of a celebrity or model. I jumped for joy when I red on PureWow that Katie called out major brands to carry extended sizes for women who wear a size 12/14 or above. And like Katie, I encourage all of you to tag our favorite brands and join in the #MakeMySizeMovement.
My Tips for Making Perfect Pancakes
My husband loves pancakes, especially on the weekends, and Emily, with Cupcakes and Cashmere, has given my pancakes a new lease on a tasty life! I use Bisquick to make my pancakes, but I’m definitely going to try these tips the next time I make pancakes for my husband.
Tracee Ellis Ross is an Underrated Fashion Icon
The daughter of Diana Ross, Tracee isn’t afraid to shine in her fashion choices. She is just – in one word – FIERCE! One look at her Instagram feed and you’ll find fashion inspiration galore! Thanks to StyleCaster for featuring this style queen! I love Tracee, and even invited her to one of my {imaginary} dinner parties.
So there you have it… And these are just a few of the “links I love” from August. I’m link more later this month!
And now for a quick “life update”:
On August 14, 2018, I received a call that no wife wants to get.
Marshall: “Is this Vanessa?”
Me: “Yes…”
Marshall: “Hello, my name is Marshall. I work in the Emergency Room here at UT Medical Center.”
Me: “Okay…”
Marshall: “Is your husband’s name Mike?”
Me: “Yes…”
Marshall: “Well, he gave me your name and number and wanted me to call you. He’s been in a motorcycle accident.”
Me: “Are you serious?”
Marshall: “Yes. He’s stable, but you may want to head this way, if you can.”
Me: “Absolutely. I’ll be right there.” {This is where my heart dropped deep down into the pit of my stomach.}
Marshall: “Okay. I’ll be waiting for you in the lobby of the Emergency Room.”
Me: “Okay. Thank you.”
After I hung up, I turned to my friend and co-worker, Cindy A., and said, “Mike was in a motorcycle accident and he’s at UT. I’ve got to go.” Considering the number of motorcycle crashes recently, most of which resulted in a fatality, I was thankful that he was “stable”, but what did that mean exactly? UT Medical Center is the Region’s Level 1 Trauma Center. Would I find him with road rash from his head to his feet? Did he have any broken bones? Was he conscious? Was he going to have to be rushed to surgery?
I hurried to my truck and texted my former office manager, Marcy, who works on the UTMC campus. I told her what had happened and that I was headed to UTMC. {I’m not going to lie and say I drove the speed limit.} She met me down in the ER, while Mike was getting x-rays. Because he had a fractured skull {with a subdural hematoma and a subarachnoid hemorrhage}, several fractured ribs, a grade 1 liver laceration, and a fractured pelvis {in two places}, he was admitted to the hospital.

Believe it or not, he had little to no road rash. He had a bruise on the under-side of his right arm, a small two-inch abrasion just above his belly button, and a large bruise on the inside of his left thigh. His left foot was swollen and bruised, and we think he also broke his big toes on both feet.

He stayed in the hospital for seven days and was discharged home on Tuesday, 8/21/2018, which was one week to the day of his motorcycle crash. He is home now, rehabbing on his own. He is able to walk using a walker, but he still has some pain. {Here are some photos of his bruises.}
As I said, he was riding his motorcycle on his way to work when another driver pulled out across a very busy highway and into his path. He had very little time to decide what to do. The trooper said that he collided with the other driver’s car and flipped over the vehicle, and landed on the road. His motorcycle was totaled, and he says that his motorcycle days are essential over.

There were a lot of fatalities involving motorcycles prior to and after my husband’s accident. So here’s a bit of advice, from one driver to another… watch out for motorcycles… “look twice, save a life.” Be more aware of your surroundings when driving because there are a lot of motorcyclists on the road. Every driver, whether you’re on a motorcycle or in a vehicle, needs to slow down and drive more cautiously. {I’ll get off my soapbox now }
I’ve got more links to share with you, but I’ll hold onto them until later this month!
Yours Truly,