Free Your Mind and the Rest Will Follow

En Vogue sang it best when they belted out these eight simple words – “Free your mind and the rest will follow.” Except when I say it {or in this case, write it}, I’m not talking about prejudice or racism. I’m talking about having body confidence.

Body confidence is something that everyone, females and males alike, have struggled with at one time or another in their lives. Body confidence doesn’t come from trying to achieve the “perfect” body. It comes from embracing the one you’ve already got.

Earlier this year, I wrote a blog post about taking control of your shape. In that post I wrote the following: “There are women out there whose job it is to be or stay thin, or stay a certain size. There are models and celebrities who have lamented about the pressures put on them by Hollywood or by their industry to stay thin or to be a certain size. However, with {role} models like Ashley Graham, Katie H. Willcox, Tara Lynn, Robin Lawley, Candice Huffine, and Denise Bidot, being a woman with curves feels better than being ‘thin’.”

I was talking to a few other bloggers recently and we were discussing about how sometimes we feel like we need to hide behind baggy clothes or avoid specific styles all together because of our perceived flaws {cellulite, muffin tops, big boobs, small boobs, bubble butt, no butt, etc.}. Then I heard about a clothing company, Dia&Co., that celebrates “Try-day Friday”, meaning every Friday, they challenge their employees to step out of their fashion comfort zone and try new styles. They actually challenge the idea that certain clothes are for certain people. How great is that!

I wear scrubs every day of the week, except for the occasional Friday, when I wear jeans and a company shirt. So the weekends are all mine to dress fashionably. When I have errands to run, I typically wear something comfortable like jeans and a lightweight shirt or sweater. However, for date nights with my husband, I try to dress up a little more. Although lately, I have been hiding my body behind certain clothing styles because I’m uncomfortable stepping out of my comfort zone, and also because menopausal weight gain is an actual thing. Basically, I have flaws that I’d rather not show off in public, if you catch my drift.

I applaud those women with curves, who feel absolutely confident and comfortable in their own skin. I admire them because they try new styles every day of the week and not just on “Try-day Friday”. In a quest to challenge myself to a “Try-day Friday”, except for me it would be on a Saturday or Sunday, I checked out Dia&Co. to see what they had to offer.

Dia&Co. is similar to Stitch Fix, in that it is a premier clothing and personal styling service for women. The one difference between these two services is that Dia&Co. caters to women sizes 14 and up. First you complete a style profile, which includes details about your shape, your style, and your budget. Then they send you a box of clothing. Keep what you want, and send the rest back. You only pay for what you keep. You’ll not only be able to find clothes that are stylish, but you’ll be able to flaunt those curves, accentuate your best features, and show some amazing confidence in your body.

So like Dia&Co. challenges their employees, I challenge you to celebrate your own “Try-day Friday” and try that off-the-shoulder blouse or that crop top, flaunt those high heels, and wear that tight skirt or that mini skirt. Let go of the fears of your perceived flaws and rock the outfit you’ve always admired! Say goodbye to the days of hiding behind a boring wardrobe and just pinning your dream outfits to Pinterest!

Just “free your mind and the rest will follow!”

Yours Truly,

{Images borrowed from 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 }

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