Mothers… where would we be without them, right?
So in honor of all mothers, mine included, I’ve rounded up some great last minute gift ideas for her special day, which is this Sunday, May 14th. Between now and Sunday, you have some time to put together a memorable handmade craft for you mom, grandmother, sister, aunt, mother-in-law, or a friend who is a mother. Check out these crafty ideas.

If you and a few of your friends have time to pull together a small mother-daughter brunch, then here are a few great ideas to pull off such an event.

Looking for more gift ideas for your mother? Then check out these other bloggers and their Mother’s Day Gift Guides.
*All Things Ali Luvs (Ali Fedotowsky) – Mother’s Day Gift Ideas
*Damsel in Dior (Jacey Dupree) – Mother’s Day Gift Guide
*Not Another Blonde (Brittany) – 2017 Mother’s Day Gift Guide
*Giuliana Rancic – Mother’s Day Gift Guide
*Taffeta & Tulips (Kate) – Mother’s Day Gift Guide
*Pretty in Her Pearls (Angela Amores) – Mother’s Day Gift Guide 2017
My mother has been a source of love, laughter, advice, encouragement, and friendship. And thankfully, she understands and appreciates my warped sense of humor.
Here is a little snippet of “Things Our Mothers Taught Us”… Enjoy!

I love my mom, and I’ve been blessed to have a great mother-in-law as well. Both of these women are strong, courageous, and loving, and I am proud to call them “mother” and “friend”!
What are you doing to celebrate your mother this year? Is there a special woman in your life that has been like a mother to you, maybe in your mother’s absence? Though they be far away, hold the memory of them close to your hearts forever. And don’t forget to CALL YOUR MOTHER this Mother’s Day!
Yours Truly,
(Featured Image borrowed from Pinterest)