I’ve been with my special Valentine for over 20 years. We’ve been through a lot of ups and downs, through hell and high water… but through it all, I know he will always love me and always have my back.
I love you, Michael Wood!
We love riding around in Maggie Rose.
Just goofing around at the Boob-B-Q, a fundraiser for Breast Cancer Awareness.
Enjoying a Chattanooga Lookouts baseball game.
In Colorado, heading for our “retirement home” in Cripple Creek.
At the Secret City Festival, showing of Maggie Rose, Mike’s ’29 Ford.
Enjoying a Tennessee Smokies baseball game.
Enjoying an afternoon ride.
On our Wedding Day (10/17/1998) and enjoying the wide open spaces of Colorado.
Just riding around…
Date night… trust me – that is one of his many smiles!