On Sunday morning, as I was putting away my laundry, I realized that my dresser drawers were over-stuffed and unorganized. So what did I do? I asked myself: “Does this cluttered mess spark joy?” My answer was a resounding “NO!” So I pulled everything from my drawers and used the KonMari Method to fold and organize my clothes.
There are no “before” photos, but here are the “after” photos of three of my dresser drawers.

I didn’t go so far as to color coordinate my clothes, but I can see how this method of organizing can help one declutter their wardrobe, as well as their life. As I was organizing my drawers, I looked at each shirt I folded and asked the question: “Does this spark joy?” Not everything I ended up keeping “sparked joy”, but I was able to toss several shirts in a box to donate to Goodwill.

So what is the KonMari method? It is a method in which you can declutter and organize your entire world — your closet and your house, and ultimately, your life. Check it out…
Want to organize your drawers? It start with the simple way in which you fold your shirts and organize them in your drawers. And yes, my drawers looked like the one in this “before” photo.
After organizing my dresser drawers, I turned next to one of my bookshelves, which housed more clutter than books. I literally filled an entire garbage bag with old papers and stuff I haven’t used or thought about in more than five years. I told myself if I didn’t need it in the past five years, I wasn’t going to need it now
I did keep my old piano books, a pile of anniversary cards from my husband, and my old poetry notebooks. I tossed an old eye mask and some other papers, including dozens of old torn-out magazine pages. I put a few books that I never read (and probably would never read) to the side and plan to either resell them or donate them to Goodwill.
Not sure where to start organizing your cluttered life? Then check out this list of “60 things to toss out in the next 60 days” and start from there. For instance, take all of your out-of-date magazines to your local library. That’s what I do.
{Images borrowed from 1 // 2 // 3 }
Are you obsessed with the KonMari method? Is this how you organize your clothes and/or your life? I’d love to hear your KonMari stories, so leave your comments below!
Yours Truly,
Thanks for this post! I love the Konmari method. The folding techniques really help with organizing my clothes! This 60 day challenge is a good idea! I need to try this!
Oh my gosh, yes. I needed this so badly. I’ve heard so much about Konmari but I’ve never tried it. I saw her on Ellen sometime this year. That list of 60 things will seriously help me, too. Thank you!!
xo Kathryn
Thanks, Kathryn! The KonMari Method has transformed my dressers! I’m still working on decluttering every other place in my house using this method. Good luck!