This past week has truly been a shock to the system, so I thought we needed some inspiration this Sunday. I tossed and turned in bed on Election night, not really sure how to feel about the results as they came in. So I began to think , “What do I truly want in my life?” That’s a question that many of us are asking right now, especially after this election. Thinking about our goals and dreams, from this day forward, will help us to remain focused on what we truly want in our life.

Writing down your goals and dreams may increase your productivity and create inspiration to keep you going! Here are some additional {inspirational} tips to help you figure out how to be more productive in your life.
- Clean up your inbox. Unsubscribe to newsletters you no longer read.
- Organize your workspace. Doing this will help you start fresh each day.
- Start work early. You are more productive early in the day so limit your pre-work activities to 15 minutes.
- Wear more red. Studies have shown that wearing read can improve your self-confidence.
- Call one friend or family member a day. Staying in touch will strengthen your relationship and makes you feel better.
- Journal before going to sleep. Write down all the day’s positive moments and accomplishments.
- Drink ice water. Doing this may help burn more calories.
- Try gardening. Research shows that gardening reduces your risk of dementia. It’s also a great way to get outside and stay active.
- Start your day by stretching. Doing simple stretches in the morning will wake you up, improve flexibility, and gives you more energy.
- Get rid of time-wasting phone apps. Find the courage to delete these time suckers.
- Play music instead of the TV. Turn on some music and stay productive.
- Make your bed every day. Doing this simple morning ritual has been shown to boost happiness.
So today, as you sit down to plan your week ahead, take some time to also write down your goals and dreams. Stay inspired, my friends!
Yours Truly,
Thank you for these helpful hints. I already do some of them. I do loads of gardening but that is swiftly coming to an end! And today, I am wearing red! I love bright colors. Thank you for this inspiring post.
You’re Welcome, Alice! I am glad you found this post inspiring and helpful! I had my first mini-garden this summer, and the cucumbers and tomatoes were yummy! Thank you for stopping by my little side of Green Acres!
Some of these- stretching, water intake, and making the bed come easy. Others, like calling people (natural introvert here) take a little more coaxing. I so agree with the cleaning of the inbox. I have started doing that recently (unsubscribing to all the ads and things that clog it up) and I love seeing less in my inbox. It seems like a little thing but they add up!!
Jodi, I totally agree with cleaning up the inbox. And you’re right… Seeing fewer emails makes me feel better too. Maybe you can try to coax yourself out of your shell slowly, and I believe you’ll make it! Thanks for your comment! Hope you have a wonderful day!
Love all of these reminders!! I tend to turn the TV on when I am home alone just for the noise, but you are so right- I should start listening to music more. I also had no idea red was good for confidence!
I’m glad you like these little bits of inspiration. Sometimes when I’m listening to music, a certain song will come on that will spark a memory. For me it’s Patrick Swayze’s “She Like the Wind” from “Dirty Dancing.” I use to be able to play that song on the piano.
And I hope you’ll try wearing red more often, as it is not only a confidence booster, but it’s just a great color!
Thanks for commenting!
Thanks Chloe! Music can be soothing to the soul! And yes, wear more red and be more confident!