I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not always good at maintaining good habits, but with all of the successful women I know, especially those female bloggers that I follow and admire, I find inspiration in their success.
Would I love to have as many followers and/or readers as those successful female bloggers I follow? Sure. I find these women inspiring! I love that they hustle and challenge themselves. I love that they take time for themselves and smile. I love that these inspiring women have all “11 habits of successful women”, and I plan to put these habits to the test. Some of these habits are already instilled in my life, but others will take a little more work.

I’m about to “toot my own horn”, but there’s a point to my tooting.
A couple of months ago, I was nominated for an award at work. I’m a Registered Medical Assistant (by day) and I really enjoy what I do and I enjoy the people with whom I work. Earlier this month, the announcement went out, company-wide, and I was one of eight employees who won top honors for the Premier Surgical Hope Awards. Two of my fellow co-workers were nominated.
I work hard. I feel that I’m successful at my day job, and I was excited to win this award. Not everyone was as happy for me, but you know what? I hustle, and go above and beyond what my job requires. I work my arse off from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., and sometimes even later, if need be. So I’m not going to feel guilty for doing my job. My parents instilled in my the importance of a hard work ethic, and it has carried me through some pretty cool jobs.
That work ethic carries over to my blog. I work hard at this blog. Do I feel like I’m a success? Not every day, but I have those moments where I feel successful. Creating habits, whether they are daily, weekly, or monthly, will help to make me or you not only feel successful, but be successful.
What habits do you have as a successful woman? What goals do you set for yourself and how do you achieve them? What is your motivation to be successful?
Yours Truly,
Hi! Quite a nice list! I think perseverance is the key for me. We all make mistakes, fall down and fail. But the ability to dust oneself and get going is very critical. Stepping back is fine, giving up is not. I think this is a very critical trait to be succssful, esp as a woman where people judge me and there are a million rules about how I should live my life.
Thanks, Suman! I couldn’t agree more! I also think stepping back is fine, but giving up is not… so don’t give up!