Today I am celebrating my 18th wedding anniversary to my love, Mike. I know lots of people say that they married their best friend, but in my case, I really did! We have been through many ups and many downs, but through it all, one thing remains a constant and that is our commitment to each other no matter what.

My Love Story
Mike and I had met about a couple of months or so before our first date. Every Thursday evening, a group of people would get together and play volleyballI was a newspaper reporter and he was a police officer. I was invited by a couple of friends, as was Mike. We played volleyball and had a good time. After our first meeting, he had told his friends, Toby and Miranda, that if I showed up at volleyball that next Thursday night, that he was going to ask me out.
I, of course, showed up late, but Mike immediately yelled that I was on his team. I waved to everyone and went over and sat down on the side of the volleyball court. Mike’s team lost and he walked over to where I was sitting.
Mike: “I told Toby and Miranda that if you showed up tonight that I was going to ask you out.”
Me: “Ummm… OK.”
Mike: “So, would you like to go out to dinner with me tomorrow night?”
Me: “Ummm… I guess so.”
Mike: “Well, that wasn’t the answer I was expecting.”
Me: “Sure.”
Mike: “Ok. Then I’ll get your number before we leave tonight.”
Me: “OK.”
I gave him my number, and we made arrangements to go out that Friday night. That night was January 17, 1997.
Our First Date
Mike picked me up at my apartment at Park Oaks. He was driving the mini truck that he had inherited from his grandfather. It was loud and fast because he had put some kind of big monster engine in it. It also had a fire extinguisher in it strapped to the gear shifter. When I asked, “why is that there”, he said, “in case of emergencies…you know Rescue Squad and all”. I also had trouble figuring out the seat belts (later found out they were “racing harnesses”).
Anyway, we drove to Chattanooga, to Olive Garden. It was standing room only inside and outside. We walked in to put our name on the list. Mike left me by the door and went to check in. About five minutes later, his name was called.
Mike: (nonchalantly) “I called ahead.”
We were lead to our seats. We ordered, ate, and talked.
Then we headed over to the movie theatre were we watched Beverly Hills Ninja. It was either that movie or Michael with John Travolta. Chris Farley won. I still have my movie stub from that night. I don’t remember much of the movie. All I remember is laughing at Mike because he was laughing hysterically at the movie. Good thing is that he still laughs at movies and I end up laughing at him because he’s got a great laugh.
Anyway, as we left the theatre and got on the interstate, I asked, “So is this thing fast or something?”, (which was a repeat of an earlier sarcastic question). He gave me a sideways glance and hit the gas and we shot forward like a rocket. We had a good laugh about my whining like a girl.
When we got back to my apartment, we actually sat in the parking lot and talked. He asked me if I had to work the next day and I said that I didn’t. I asked him if he had to work the next day and he said yes, but that since he actually worked third shift, he would probably not go to sleep until about 6:30-7:00 a.m. It was only about 11 p.m. I asked him what he was going to do until then, and he said that he needed to do a little grocery shopping.
Mike: “Want to go grocery shopping with me?”
Me: “Sure. I don’t have to work tomorrow.”
He started his loud and fast mini truck and off to Bi-Lo we went. After he bought his groceries and we loaded them up in his truck, we headed back to his apartment. I helped carry them up to his apartment and helped him put them away. Then we sat on his couch and talked a little while.
Mike: “I want a chocolate milkshake. Want to go to Denny’s?”
Me: “Sure. That sounds good.”
Off to Denny’s we went. In addition to getting a chocolate milkshake, he ate a whole other meal – a chicken strip platter, if I’m not mistaken. We sat there and talked and laughed. He even told me a joke that I still tell people today.
What did the daddy tomato say to the baby tomato when they were crossing the road?
Give up?
Catch up. Get it? Catch up… ketchup… get it? I laughed so hard.
About 5:45 a.m., we left Denny’s and he drove me back to my apartment. He was such a gentleman and walked me to my door. I had told my sister-in-law (at that time) that it would be a big turn off for me if he tried to kiss me goodnight.
Well, he didn’t try to kiss me, but he did say that he had fun and would like to go out again sometime. I told him that I had a good time as well and would like to go out with him again too. It was a few days before we talked because of his work schedule, but we eventually did go out again.
We dated for about five months and then broke up. The break-up story is not relevant. Just know that less than five months later, he showed back up and asked me to give him another chance. And the rest is history.

The Proposal
At the end of July 1998, we drove down to Gulfport, Miss., to attend my grandma and grandpa Lashlee’s 50th wedding anniversary party. It was there that Mike decided to make it official. He had apparently already asked my dad for my hand in marriage.
We left Gulfport, heading back to Nashville, and stopped at the Cracker Barrel in Hattiesburg, Miss. Mike asked for the checkbook and I gave it to him. Then he got up and left to pay the bill. When he got back to the table, he looked all serious.
Mike: “How does October 17th sound?”
Me: “For what?”
Mike: “For a wedding?”
Me: “Whose wedding?”
Mike: “Our wedding.”
My shock immediately vanished and a huge smile spread across my face. I was getting married, and we (meaning, I) had less than three months to pull it all together! Needless to say, I was able get it done.

So fast forward to now… 18 years later!
He still makes me laugh. He still calls me on the phone and asks me out on dates. He still texts me at random times during the day just to say that he loves me. He gives me anything I want or ask for, and vice versa. We finish each others’ sentences and can often communicate with just a look.
We have worked hard to make our marriage work. Anyone who says that marriage is easy is crazy. It’s hard work. But when you have two people who are willing to put in the work, then it can be a successful marriage.

So there you have it… our love story.
Happy Anniversary to my love, my life, my partner… Mike! I love you!
Yours Truly,
Love it!!!
Great story. Tell it again for the very first time. ixi
Thanks! I love telling this story! I’ll probably tell it when I get to Heaven!