When you think of Cinco de Mayo, you probably think about hitting up a Mexican restaurant for chips and salsa and gulping down big glasses of margaritas. I’m not a drinker (or at least not much of one), but I could probably eat my weight in chips and salsa.
What most may not know is that “Cinco de Mayo—or the fifth of May—commemorates the Mexican army’s 1862 victory over France at the Battle of Puebla during the Franco-Mexican War (1861-1867).” (Source: History.com)
So you want to celebrate Mexico’s victory of France? Then do it with craftiness (i.e., make your own pinata or cacti table decorations) and tasty foods (can we say churro bites) and flavorful margaritas (alcoholic or non-alcoholic).
I’m planning on throwing a Cinco de Mayo party at my office on Thursday, and I plan to include some of these ideas. I’m putting together a sign-up sheet so each of the ladies can bring something for the party. I’m planning to decorate our breakroom with some festive pinatas and large paper flowers. I even have a colorful poncho and sombrero that I plan to use a decorations.

And whatever you do, make sure your Cinco de Mayo celebration is COLORFUL! Make paper flowers out of colorful tissue paper. If your party is outdoors, then spread a few brightly striped blankets and pillows around so your guests will have a place to sit. Use colorful plates, napkins, and cups instead of plain (boring) white.
The other reason I wanted to have a Cinco de Mayo party is because the doctor I work with (Dr. G) is celebrating his 43rd birthday on May 5th. Yes, he is a Cinco de Mayo baby. I can say that because he’s a whole four months younger than me.
Are you hosting a Cinco de Mayo party? How are you celebrating? What other great ideas do you have for throwing a Mexican fiesta? Drop me a comment below with your ideas and thoughts!
And here’s my “public service announcement” — whether you celebrate Cinco de Mayo indoors or outdoors, please drink responsibly and don’t drink and drive.
Yours Truly,