For the past two hours, I have been perusing Pinterest, clicking on links, and reading blog posts by other bloggers about fashion, beauty rituals, Coachella, as well as watching a few DIY and “how-to” videos. But for the past 30 minutes, I have been reading other blogger’s “101 things in 1001 days lists.”
I thought to myself, “What a cool idea!”
Who inspired me to do this list? It was two bloggers… first was Kate from Kate The Almost Great, and she pointed me in the direction of Mackenzie Horan at Design Darling, who put together her first list together in 2011.
This list, like Mackenzie says, is a cross between a “to-do list” and a “bucket list.” It’s everything I want and hope to accomplish in 1001 days.
So what’s on “My 101 things in 1001 days” list? Here we go…
- Write 101 things to accomplish in 1001 days. (DONE!! 4/24/2016)
- Meet 5 blogging friends in person.
- Go one month without frivolous spending.
- Go to 5 concerts.
- Go see 3 musicals (Broadway or Off-Broadway)
- Make 10 recipes off Pinterest and blog about it.
- Find out my blood type.
- Try 5 new foods.
- See 5 Audrey Hepburn movies.
- Watch Casablanca.
- Visit 3 art museums.
- Meet someone famous.
- Have a picnic by a lake.
- Visit 5 cities I’ve never been to before.
- Invest in a pair of good riding boots.
- Learn to ride a motorcycle.
- Take my nieces out for a day of fun, paid entirely by me.
- Increase traffic to my blog and Social Media accounts (Instagram, Twitter, Bloglovin)
- Knit 5 scarves for my friends.
- Run the Susan G. Komen Race in Knoxville.
- Participate in a book club.
- Start playing the piano again.
- Visit a winery and blog about it.
- Find a wine (red, white, whatever) that I like.
- Send someone flowers just because.
- Pay for someone’s Starbucks order.
- Keep a zero balance on credit cards for 6 months.
- Pay off all my doctor’s bills.
- Save $5000 (or more) in the Vacation account.
- Go out to dinner with friends once a month for 6 months (non-consecutive).
- Blog every day for 3 months.
- Redesign my blog to reflect my personal style.
- Have a couple’s photo shoot for me & my husband.
- Invest in blog business cards.
- Attend a fashion show during New York Fashion Week and blog about it.
- Drink 64-ounces of water a day.
- Ditch my Diet Coke habit.
- Travel abroad, hit one of the places on my bucket list, and blog about it.
- Go a day without electronics (I.e., no phone, no iPad, no Mac).
- Attend three blogging conferences and blog about it.
- Organize my dressing room and blog about it.
- Finish the Howard Family Memory Book and give copies to my family.
- Send out either Christmas or New Year’s cards.
- See a Cirque de Soleil performance live.
- Try acupuncture.
- Land a freelance writing job.
- Make and blog about 12 DIY projects from Pinterest.
- Learn calligraphy.
- Enjoy a day at the spa.
- Try one “out of my comfort zone” exercise classes.
- Join Fort Sanders Health & Fitness Center.
- See Billy Joel in concert.
- Turn Maw’s recipes into a book for our family.
- Find my signature scent.
- Go to the top of the Empire State Building.
- Go zip-lining.
- See 10 “classic” films.
- Establish a new series on my blog (i.e., His & Hers, Weekend Wardrobe, etc.)
- Go tandem skydiving.
- Learn a new language.
- Go one month without ordering takeout / fast food.
- Read 5 biographies.
- Learn to do the splits.
- Donate to a Kickstarter campaign I believe in.
- Organize my Yahoo and gmail accounts.
- Host one blogger lunch or dinner twice a year.
- Publish 12 “How-To” posts.
- See a TED Talk Live.
- Mail a care package to my brother and sister-in-law.
- Mail care packages to my nieces.
- Take my husband to Ireland for our 20th anniversary – 10/17/2018.
- Grow really good tomatoes and burpless cucumbers.
- Buy a Vespa or a cafe-style motorcycle.
- Finish a screenplay and submit it to the Sundance Screenwriting Lab.
- Walk 10K steps every day for a month.
- Lose (and keep off) 10 lbs.
- Get an article published in a magazine or an online news outlet.
- Save up to $5 for every thing I cross off on this list.
- Visit Washington, D.C.
- Take a cruise.
- Volunteer at Sundance Film Festival.
- Complete a NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month).
- Go stand-up paddleboarding.
- Watch a movie from the year I was born.
- Write a “One Line A Day” journal for a month, possibly a year.
- Go parasailing.
- Quit sugar for 30 days (or longer).
- Buy something off Etsy and blog about it.
- Pull out my sewing machine and sew myself a dress.
- Go geocaching.
- Answer “50 Questions that will Free your Mind” and blog about it.
- Collect 25 autographed photos of some of my favorite actors/actresses.
- Read 101 books, and blog about the ones that were really fantastic.
- Do Beach Body Yoga twice a week for 30 days.
- Take a day-trip just for fun and blog about it.
- Write 50 handwritten notes to friends and loved ones.
- Buy new eyeglasses.
- Publish one outfit post a month for a year.
- Write a guest post on someone else’s blog.
- Give $5 to charity for every task on this list that I don’t complete.
- Inspire someone to come up with their own “101 in 1001” list.
So many of these are actually achievable for me, while others are going to be a little harder (i.e., giving up Diet Coke and quitting sugar). But thankfully, I’m a determined woman of 43 and right now I feel I need a challenge like this. I’ve also written all of these tasks in my bullet journal so I can keep up with it on a daily basis. Of course, I’ll keep you all posted of what tasks I accomplish as these next 1001 days pass by!
If I’ve inspired you to come up with your own “101 things in 1001 days” list, comment below and leave me a link to find your list. Or you can give me a shoutout via Twitter. Good luck on compiling your list and achieving your goals!
Yours Truly,
Good luck on your list! I completed one a few years ago, and working through the list was one of the most fulfilling things I have ever done, not to mention that it gave me plenty to blog about for the 1001 days I was working on it. Here’s my list if you want to check it out:
Awesome! I will totally check it out! And thanks for stopping by my little blog! I’ll bookmark your blog for future reading!
That’s an inspiring list for sure. I like the reward and the fine system of $5 too.
Thanks! I how i can save some money for that vacation in planning! If not, then I’ll donate it to charity. And thanks for stopping by my blog, and for leaving a comment!
Good luck with this list! I am currently on my third #101thingsin1001days list. So many from your current list have been on my past lists
Wow! I’ll have to go check out your lists! Thanks for stopping by my blog!