I’m contemplating a name change. No, not my actual name, but the name of my blog.
When I started blogging in 2012, I was using my blog the try to find my voice, blogging about anything and everything, kind of an eclectic mix of a lot of topics. Now I’m trying to narrow my niche and brand myself.
So from “My Life This Year” to “A City Girl in the Country”.
Why the name change? Because I really am a city girl in the country. I think like a city girl, I act like a city girl, I (try to) dress like a city girl, and I love the buzz of big cities. I would do well living in a big city like Manhattan or Chicago. I drink in fashion magazines (because they, to me, are a link to city life). I follow “city girls” on Instagram and Twitter. I love to explore a city by foot or bicycle, and do my research of that city before I visit there. I love the sites and sounds of a city. Actually, I love all that the city has to offer.
And yet, I live in the country.
Now, don’t get me wrong. I love country living. It’s quiet and my dogs have room to run. My husband has room to tinker with his hot rods and tractors. I have the privacy to lay out on my back deck nekkid if I want, without having to worry about the neighbors seeing my full moon. I enjoy watching the donkeys across the road from my house as they roll around in a patch of dirt. I also enjoy watching the hummingbirds drink from the feeder I inherited from my Grandpa Lashlee. And my husband and I actually live in the house his grandfather built in 1957.
We’re not out in the boondocks, or out in the sticks, but we’re out there in the country. And I love trying to bring a little bit of city life into my country home. So that’s why I’m thinking of changing my blog’s name.
So… what do you think? Should I proceed with the name change?
Yours Truly,
Go for it! I started blogging back in 2005 and had an active, successful blog for years. And then one day I realized it just wasn’t me (or the person I had grown into) anymore. It was hard to give the progress and momentum up, but in the long run it was worth it. Now to just get going again!
How about “Green Acres meets Paris”
That’s a cool name as well… I’ll have to put it on my short list.