As I age, I have come to realize that I only have this one body and I should take care of it. I also realize that as I peruse Pinterest, there are a lot of things that I should know but don’t, and there are a lot of healthy habits that I should be following but don’t.
So when I found this pin on Pinterest, I thought I would share it. Even though it’s “50 Healthy Habits Every Girl Should Know,” I think that there are several healthy habits on this list that boys (men) should follow as well.

Here are a Few of my Favorites…
*Start fresh every single day – I do this every day, or at least I try. I think that every day is a gift from God and should be lived to the fullest. I can’t worry about what I didn’t accomplish yesterday. I just add it to the beginning of today’s “to-do” list and start fresh. Also, I can’t worry about what will happen tomorrow because, duh… it’s not happened yet. As they say, “don’t count your chickens before they’ve hatched.” Worrying about tomorrow will only cause you stress for today!
*Put down your phone when you’re out with people – Ok, I’m not very good at this, but I’m trying. I think it’s important to focus on who is in front of you and not on who you’re texting, or on your emails, or what’s happening on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. If it’s an emergency, then excuse yourself from the table, but don’t spend too much time away from the people you’re out with because it’s just plain rude.
*Try the 2/30 rule: 2 hours of TV, 30 minutes of exercise – This is actually a pretty good idea, especially if you’re like me and tend to plop your arse down in front of the TV almost the second you get home. Yes, you’re tired after working all day, but exercise is important to your health, as is diet. I read a lot of helpful tips on how to sneak in a quick workout while watching TV and the suggestion is that you do something during the commercials. For example, the second a commercial comes on, get up and do squats. Then when the next commercial comes on, drop down to the floor and do push-ups. Then when the next commercial comes on, do crunches and/or sit ups. If you have hand-weights or kettlebells, do some bicep and/or tricep curls during a commercial. You get the idea, right?
*Drink warm water with lemon and cayenne pepper daily – I don’t know what this does, except for maybe boost your metabolism. I may try this out some morning. Heck, it may end up being a diuretic, in which case, you may want to try this on a morning that you don’t have to go anywhere. If you know what this concoction does, let me know because this “healthy habit” has piqued my interest.
*Use a retinol if you’re starting to get wrinkles – I know moisturizing creams with retinols are expensive, but there’s got to be a few out there that are reasonably priced that actually help lessen the appearance of wrinkles. I use coconut oil, grapeseed oil, and argon oil as moisturizers, but if you can recommend a good retinol, I’m all ears!
*Practice safe sex, always – Duh… diseases abound and you should be practicing safe sex. I know that guys (and I’m sure some girls would agree) that wearing a condom desensitizes their member and they can’t feel what they’re doing. In that case, try switching brands of condoms and find one that both you and your partner(s) enjoy and can find pleasure. Some monogamous couples don’t wear condoms, and that is their preference; however, the second you venture out with someone you’re planning to have sex with, wrap that sucker up guys! And women, don’t forget to protect yourself because you can’t always trust what a guy says. And men, don’t forget to protect yourself because you can’t always trust what a girl says. Just watch the movie, Knocked Up, and you’ll understand!
*Stop beating yourself up – Life is hard and confusing and complicated. No one ever said it would be easy, so stop beating yourself up. So what that you messed up during a presentation. So what that you picked up a pie instead of a cake for the party. So what that you forgot to pick up tickets for the movie. Shit happens! You had a lot on your plate. Whatever the excuse, stop beating yourself up about it. The presentation was still a success and you got offered to take the lead on the project. The pie is just as yummy as the cake, and everyone at the party actually enjoyed the pie more than they would have a store-bought cake. And with the speed of the internet and a movie ticket app (i.e. Fandango), you can purchase tickets and then pick them up at the movie theatre. Again, shit happens… it’s just in how we deal with it. So stop beating yourself up!
*Take care of your clothing – A good solid wardrobe, with “never-goes-out-of-style” fashion staples, will last you an eternity. As we age, of course, we will have to adjust our wardrobe. But I’m a firm believer that if you take care of your clothes, they’ll take care of you. There are all sorts of pins on Pinterest that detail the basics that every woman should have in their wardrobe. And The Daily Connoisseur also details some basics that should be in your wardrobe. You can check out her blog HERE.
*Use SPF, and wear a hat in the sun – This ought to be a given, but there are still those sun-worshippers out there (myself included) hat are still trying to achieve the perfect tan, but I recently saw a picture of myself with an overly tanned face and let’s just say, I could have passed as younger sister to “Tanning Mom.”
*Make your home a place you want to be – My husband and I have a small one-room home, but it is cozy and it’s ours. We also purchased some land in Colorado (no, we are not dope smokers) on which we plan to build our “retirement home”. Our current home, although the living conditions are not ideal, but it’s still the place I want to be, especially when my husband is home. Fill your home with comfortable furniture, with photos of family and friends, with good food and even better beverages! Make your home a place where others want to be, and be proud of your home!
*Use YouTube for free exercise videos – I am on the verge of cancelling my gym membership and doing this. I already use a couple of good workout apps, such as Workout Trainer and Yoga HD. Workout Trainer varies from no equipment to full gym, from casual workout to intense workout, from five minutes to more than an hour workout. It’s a free app, but there is a “PRO” option that is fairly inexpensive. There are a lot of workouts on this app, but they are not videos. They are just a series of photos, which is fine if you know what you’re doing. But if you want to watch an actual video, then YouTube is a great option. Also you can find some pretty good workout videos on Pinterest that link you directly to the workout video.
*Google “how to make your own cleaning supplies” – I just did this with laundry detergent. I plan to get all of the stuff this weekend and see if I can make it, because I’m tired of spending $8-12 for laundry detergent. There are also a lot of great DIY ideas on Pinterest.
*Drop loose change into the same jar daily – My husband and I have done this for years. We even drop the occasional $1 in the jar. When we get ready to go on a vacation, I pour everything out on the bed and divide up the coins into denominations and then take them to the bank to the coin counter. We have ended up with over $200 on several occasions, and every little bit helps when you take a long weekend vacation!
*Stand up for yourself – I’ve always been one to stand up for the underdog, but you really must learn to stand up for yourself; otherwise, you’ll get bullied and pushed around and taken advantage of. Standing up for yourself does not make you “aggressive” or “abrasive”. It makes you strong and courageous. Not standing up for yourself can make you appear weak, and YOU ARE NOT WEAK… you are STRONG!
*Listen to your body – Working for a doctor has made me very aware that as patients, we should listen to our body. They tell us when we’re tired; when we’re sick; when we’re anxious; when we’re mad; or when we’re physically injured. For example, my body is telling my right now that something happened to my left hip and groin, which makes working out sometimes painful. Do I stop working out? Maybe I should, but instead I modify my workout and modify the exercises I do to put less stress and strain on my left hip and groin. Am I listening to my body? Yes. Am I listening to my husband when he tells me I should go to a doctor to have my hip/groin examined? No, but then again I’m stubborn like that! But you should listen to your body!
*Prioritize stress management – I’m big on making to-do lists. At work, I have a list of tasks on my computer screen that I work on daily. I can change the due date, but until I complete that task, it will remain in my “task basket.” I also do this when I have several things I want to accomplish in the evening or on the weekend. This helps me to prioritize the stress in my life. I think I handle stress fairly well, but I’m sure other people think they handle stress well. But this healthy tip is one that I think everyone should examine closely.
*Wash your hands often – I often look at my hands and see desert-like conditions… dry, scaly, and rough. No matter how much lotion I put on them, they still look and feel rough. I put it down to the fact that I wash my hands several times a day. I also use a lot of hand sanitizer throughout my day (because as I mentioned earlier, I work for a doctor). I’m not germ phobic, but I don’t want to get sick.
*Floss after every brushing – Cavities can show up between teeth, so this is just a good idea to do every time you brush. I actually use those dental floss sticks, because they are convenience and often easier to carry around than dental floss. I’m kind of like Julia Robert’s character in Pretty Woman. I carry dental floss, as well as floss picks, in my purse. Flossing is important, as is brushing your teeth… as is good hygiene.
*Count to 10 when you are angry – This is not only a healthy habit to adopt, but it will help you avoid saying something that you would later regret. I have often times counted to ten and walked away to not only avoid erupting in an angry tirade of emotions, but to avoid punching that person in the throat! Be slow to anger, and counting to 10 will help diffuse your anger. If after counting to 10 and you are still angry, then politely excuse yourself. You need time to cool off and gather your thoughts. Then you will be better equipped to handle the situation with dignity and a cool head.
*Learn to take constructive criticism – I’ve never met a writer who didn’t receive dozens, if not hundreds, of rejection letters with constructive criticism. You can either learn from this criticism or reject it all together. But if you reject it or ignore it, would you have improved yourself? Probably not. I once asked a screenwriter to read and critique one of my short stories. He read it, gave me some constructive criticism, and a few months later I started writing this blog. He recommended I write more often, about various subjects, and find my voice. I definitely have written about a wide array of subjects and still feel like I’m trying to find my voice as a writer. I took his criticism to heart, although I honestly doubt that he realizes the impact that his words had on me. I respected his opinion then, and I still respect it to this day, and if you want to see what he’s written, just watch Chicago Fire and Chicago PD.
*Never let Google diagnose you – You could end up diagnosing yourself with Mad Cow Disease when all you have is a sinus infection, or gout when you actually have a broken big toe, or you may be unknowingly pregnant when you think you have a stomach bug. I do think it’s ok to consult Google, but only once you have a confirmed diagnosis. Again, speaking as a Registered Medical Assistant, listen to your body and never let Google diagnose you because there’s a 50-50 chance that you’re either sicker than you actually are or you’re not as sick as you think you are.
So now is the time to pick up some healthy habits, no matter your age or gender. Hope you found these healthy habits helpful.
Yours Truly,