Photo Credit: The Things We Say
Can you imagine this scenario? This, to me, means that life is precious and that we should live life to the fullest. In a day and age when we are running around, doing this and doing that, going here and going there, we rarely take the time “stop and smell the roses.”
What do you do with the 86,400 seconds you have been given every day? Where do you go? With whom do you spend your time? How often do you stop and think that you should be doing something more, or something better for yourself?
Life your life to the fullest. Use every single second you’ve been given to do something; to accomplish something awesome; to be a better human being; to be a better son, daughter, mother, father, friend, boss, or employee; to write the great American novel; to travel somewhere new everyday; to talk with your grandparents more often; to volunteer at a soup kitchen; to volunteer as a Big Brother/Big Sister; to see as many Broadway plays in a weekend; to take more photos of family and friends; to spend more time with your spouse or significant other; to talk your dog for a walk; to go to a club and dance up a storm; just have fun and enjoy every second of it.
We aren’t guaranteed tomorrow, so enjoy your life!
Have a great day!