Did anyone know that February is National Bird Feeding Month? I sure didn’t. Birds are lovely creatures. Some sing sweet little tunes; some mimic words or phrases; some are little; some are big; some have long beaks; some have short beaks; some have long legs; some have short legs… you see where I’m going with this?
For example, we have this beautiful cardinal that visits our house and flaps itself silly against the mirrors of our vehicles parked in the driveway. I have blogged about this beautiful, yet annoying, cardinal before (you can find that post in my archives), and still this cardinal can’t get enough of itself. I’m still not sure if it is trying to woo the cardinal it sees in the mirror or if it is trying to attack the other bird, but either way, it leaves it’s nasty little wing prints on our mirrors and windows, and frankly, I am tired of seeing the poop streaks down the side of my doors just below the mirrors!
So maybe, since it’s National Bird Feeding Month, I thought I’d make a few homemade bird-feeders and set them up around the driveway to see if we can get that dang bird from flapping itself silly against our mirrors. I doubt this will work, but it’s worth a try.
Either way, here are some pins showcasing some pretty bird feeders, and a couple that show you how to make homemade bird feeders.
(All pins are from Pinterest, but the original source has been cited.)

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