Jerry Seinfeld “knew from the beginning that I had to do everything I could to let as many people as possible read the hilarious truth about what has been going on inside the mailbox of Ted L. Nancy, whoever he may be.”
This is the last line of the introduction written by comedian Jerry Seinfeld for the book Letters from a Nut, written by a guy named Ted L. Nancy.

Seinfeld’s first contact with Mr. Nancy was on the night of August 30, 1995, when he went to a friend’s house to watch the Jerry Lewis Labor Day Telethon. He noticed a handful of letters sitting on a coffee table, and he began to read one right after the other, laughing out loud.
Seinfeld began reading these letters out loud and everyone was laughing. Seinfeld noted that “there was this one fellow in the room who just kind of nodded approvingly as each letter was read. He didn’t seem irritated, nor did he seem particularly impressed. He was just sort of sitting back, taking the whole thing in.”
Seinfeld noted that “Ted L. Nancy definitely possesses many of the qualities I consider essential for a good life. He enjoys the simple things, like fine busboy service, Bon Ami cleanser, and steamboats. …On the other hand, he does not travel well or easily. … in many ways Ted Nancy is a lot like you and me… but it’s just not true… Nobody has problems like this guy.”
These letters, and in most cases, their responses, are to (and from) various businesses, corporations, celebrities, politicians, heads of state, and others. The book is broken down into sections: Help Me!; Dreams; Las Vegas Here I Come (I’m Gonna Party ‘Til My Pants Fall Down!!!); Lookin’ For Work (My resume speaks for itself); Thank You!; Goin’ Places; Hey Out There, It’s Me; and Epilogue, which features correspondence between Mr. Nancy and King Taufa’ahau Tupou IV of Tonga along with a picture of the King and Queen of Tonga.
There is even a letter to and from then Vice President Al Gore.
Mr. Nancy’s letter, written on July 15, 1995:
“Dear Mr. Vice President,
I think you are the best Vice President this country has ever had! I think that you bring a certain something to the Vice Presidency that hasn’t been there before. There are many of us out here that admire the work you do. We know you care about us!
So even though we don’t tell you every day that we think you’re doing a great job this note says THAT YOU ARE!!!
I hope you are Vice President forever! You’re more than a VP – you’re an MVP – Most Valuable Vice President. I could see you as Vice President for-ever! Under many Presidents. You look like Sylvester Stallone. Same hair. God bless the work you do!
With Utter Respect, Ted L. Nancy.”

And Gore’s response, written on August 18, 1995:
“Dear Mr. Nancy,
Thank you for writing to me. I am overwhelmed by the many letters and card I have received from people, like you, who have committed themselves to positive change in America.
As you know, the President and I are making every effort to meet the challenges facing out country in a positive and responsible manner. Your active participation and your continued support are essential to the success of our efforts.
I am genuinely grateful for your kind words of support and encouragement. I look forward to working with you to create a better future for this great nation.
Sincerely, Al Gore”
There are many more letters, some funnier than others, but all equally as zany. You may (or may not) get a kick out of this quick read. He wrote comedian/actor Tim Conway and Mr. Conway sent Mr. Nancy a drawing (see below).

I actually purchased this book at a thrift store for a couple of dollars. I don’t remember where I purchased it exactly, but when I finally got around to reading it, I read it in less than an hour. And if you can’t find the book, there’s a website! Check it out at
Mr. Nancy has written dozens of people, with some success, about many things… some are truly ridiculous, but others you’ll be wishing you had written!
I’ve always wondered if people actually write letters like this and now I know… yes – there is someone who writes letters like this and his name is Ted L. Nancy.
Have you read this book? Or better yet — have you even heard of this book? I’d love to hear from you!
Have a great day!