I have really tried to pull myself away from watching the mindless dribble that is reality television, but somehow those Kardashians keep pulling me in with their family drama!

Photo Credit: www.fanpop.com
I just watched the conclusion of the “Kardashian therapy session” and my heart really went out to Rob Kardashian. I think he is a bit left out on the “family business” end of things, but he really does need to take more initiative. He needs some direction and maybe Kris Jenner does tend to the business of the girls more than she does for her son.
Rob also needs to take advantage of the many, MANY professional opportunities like his sisters have done. He can’t continue to roam aimlessly through like expecting things to come easy for him just because he is a Kardashian. Instead, he needs to take the bull by the horns and go for it, whatever “it” may be!

Photo Credit: www.khloekardashian.celebuzz.com
In the latest episode of the Kardashian’s reality show, I was a bit disappointment that Rob showed up to a business meeting in sweatpants and a baseball cap. Scott Disick was also a bit disappointment in Rob’s appearance.
You and I (the average, non-reality show people) wouldn’t dare show up to a job interview or a business meeting dressed in slouchy sweatpants, a hoodie and a baseball cap.
But I really do wish Rob luck in his future endeavors and really hope that he finds his way – his niche – and that his sisters and family will continue to support him.

Photo Credit: www.thehiphopconsultant.com
I don’t want to spend much time on Kim because for me, she has kind of lost her allure. In my opinion, she was rude to her siblings, especially Rob. And yes, I think sending her siblings an email to “apologize” was a thoughtless and insincere act.
Kim says that she has worked for everything she has, which is true. But before she became a reality TV star, she organized celebrity’s closets (if I’m correct). She made her debut as a socialite hanging on the arm of Paris Hilton, who was definitely more famous than Kim at that time. And now Kim is more famous than Paris.
So here’s why Kourtney and Khloe are my faves!

(I love Khloe’s Chanel belt!!!)
Photo Credit: www.stylebistro.com
First, Kourtney really tries, and mostly succeeds, to stay out of the drama. She only inserts her opinion when she feels it’s warranted. Although she and Scott have had their differences, they really do try to make it work as a couple and as parents. They try and do lead their lives separate from the rest of the Kardashian-Jenner clan.

Photo Credit: www.officialkourtneyk.celebuzz.com
I hope that Scott continues to grow up and hope that he will continue to think of Kourtney and their children first before he goes off and does something stupid (like host a party at some Las Vegas nightclub and get drunk and stupid).

Photo Credit: www.thehollywoodgossip.com
I’ve always thought that of the three sisters, Kourtney was the prettiest. I also really like her style and like that she really does put her children’s well-being first, but I also like that she makes sure to show some appreciation to her partner, Scott (no matter what stupid thing he does).
I know Scott says he wants to marry Kourtney, but their relationship seems to work just fine as it is… meaning that they’ve been together longer than most married people, and in some states, their relationship would be considered a “common law marriage” since they’ve been together for several (more than 6) years.

Photo Credit: www.snarkfood.com
Khloe has always been my husband’s favorite. He won’t give me the reasons, but I think I have an idea!

Photo Credit: www.hollywoodnews.com
I like that she embraces her curves. I like that she supports her husband. I like that she supports her brother and even lets him live with her and Lamar. I like that she supports her sisters. I like the fact that her whirlwind romance with Lamar has lasted and that they still seem to be in that “honeymoon” phase. I like that she takes fashion risks. And I like that she speaks her mind. I could go on, but I won’t.

Photo Credit: www.askmen.com
Before you judge me on the fact that I watch Keeping Up With The Kardashians, it is one of my “guilt pleasures”. And just remember that we have all watched a reality show (or two or three) at one time or another. And everyone has (or had) their favorite reality show, whether it be Survivor, American Idol, or Toddlers & Tiaras (which is a show I refuse to watch).
But whatever your reasons are for not liking (or hating) reality shows, you have to admit that sometimes you can’t take your eyes off the television when one of these reality shows are on. It’s like a train wreck… you just can’t look away!
So what are your favorite reality shows? I’d love to hear from you!
Have a great day!