I’ve written on several occasions about how I take my time reading magazines. First I flip through it page-by-page, just looking at the photographs. Then I go back and literally (and I do mean literally) read it from cover-to-cover.
Almost two weeks ago, I got four magazines in the mail and so far, I’ve read only two of them cover-to-cover: People StyleWatch and Glamour. So today I’m going to tell you a little about “what I took from Glamour magazine’s fall fashion issue.”
First of all, there were three cover photos of the stunningly beautiful (but not smiling) Victoria Beckham. Here’s my favorite cover photo:

I’ve written about Victoria Beckham before (here) so I was super excited to read this Fashion issue, which she guest-edited. Her interview with Editor-in-Chief Cindi Leive, was my favorite piece in the September issue. Beckham’s quirky personality really came through in this interview. She praises her husband, David, for being “the most hands-on dad.” She also says that she hates “empire waists, clogs, crocs, spray tans, and filler (in cheeks).”
I loved the quote where she stated that she really is a girl’s girl. “I like women who like women, as opposed to women who don’t like women,” she said. And when asked where she hopes to be in five years, she said she’d like “to be growing her business at a steady pace, and to be making more women feel empowered, beautiful, and confident.”
Her attitude and her love of all things fashion make her a great role model and a true fashion icon.
Another couple of articles I read with gusto were (1) The Supermodel Workout, and (2) The Extra Energy Diet. I already go to the gym about 3-4 times a week, and I try to eat healthy, so I found workout article almost a bit redundant (at least for me) because it was information that (a) I already knew or (b) had read in an article in another magazine or online.

Both articles gave good information, and I do plan to try the recipes that Beckham recommended (and eats). I’ve never had quinoa pasta, but her recipes of quinoa pasta with tomato sauce and strawberry sorbet sounded delicious.
The workout article featured moves by trainer Justin Gelband (a.k.a. The Model Whisperer). His tips were simple: (1) do balancing moves that work the core and other muscle groups; (2) you need great posture; and (3) You don’t need to work out every single day. He suggests going through his routine three days a week, slightly changing the angle of your arms or legs with each set. Check it out here!

Another fashion icon of mine is the uber-fabulous Rachel Zoe (“I die!”)! I’ve seen photos of her in magazines and envied her accessories, especially any and all of her Chanel pieces! Her show, The Rachel Zoe Project, really shows both her love of fashion and her love of her family.

I also loved the “Six Fashion Week Secrets You Can Use.” These secrets, such as “break in your heels at home”, will prove incredibly useful to many a Glamour reader.

Funnyman Jason Sudeikis gave his take on his clothes, women’s clothes, and suggests women by a pair of Air Jordan sneakers. “All your man will hear for the rest of his life is how ‘cool’ his lady is and how ‘badass’ her sneaks are,” he said. “They’ll give you, as a couple, the street cred needed to make up for his pleated khakis.”
Another article I enjoyed was “How to Get Our Jobs,” which featured six fashion-industry “superstars” who told how they scored their dream jobs. I would have loved to have interned at a major fashion magazine or somewhere in the fashion industry.

I think that may be one of my biggest regrets to date (not going after an intern at a big-time magazine), but you live and you learn! I’m constantly encouraging one (or all three) of my nieces to go into fashion, but they want to be doctors or vets, which are great professions, but they won’t get me front row tickets to a Chanel fashion show!
And finally, my other favorite article was by musician Sophie Auster, who attended her first ever fashion show and it just so happened to be the resort 2013 Chanel show in Versailles (just outside of Paris, France)! I am totally envious of her right now!

She and I have a lot in common, in the fact that since high school, both of us have wanted a Chanel bag. The photos (taken by Mark Leibowitz and Benoit Peverelli) were simply beautiful! I look forward to hearing her new album, Red Weather, which comes out this fall.
Since this was Glamour’s first full-on fashion issue, I say that guest-editor Victoria Beckham did a great job. This issue was full of great articles and interviews, and featured great photos of Lily Collins, Elizabeth Olsen, and David Beckham.
And one final note on this issue: if you are planning to get your hair cut or colored, I (along with Victoria Beckham and hairstylists-to-the stars Ken Paves) encourage you to do your “good deed” for the month of September by making an appointment on September 16th to support The Trade, a charity that gives victims of trafficking, abuse, and poverty in Brazil, Mexico, and Kenya the tools and training to earn a living as a stylist.

You can find participating salons and stylists at www.supportthetrade.org and proceeds will go to The Trade.
Have a great day!
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Thanks-a-mundo for the article.Really looking forward to read more. Awesome.
Thanks, Gael!
Thanks-a-mundo for the article.Really looking forward to read more. Awesome.
Thanks, Gael!