In one of my first posts, I blogged about how awesome Pinterest is and how everyone should check it out. It has everything from recipes to fashion, DIY crafts to inspirational quotes, and home decor to humorous pet photos.
I may go a few days between “pinning” things to my Pinterest profile, and then I’ll pin three or four hours everyday for a week straight! My husband will see me using my iPad and ask, “Whatcha doin’?” to which I’ll reply, “Pinning!”
So I decided to start a new “category” on my blog and call it “My Week in Pins.” Whatcha think about that? Hopefully I can keep it up and make it an every Saturday post!
In my first “week in pins”, I thought I’d feature the ever adorable pet photos. All photos are from Pinterest, but credit is given where it’s due.

I always find it heart-warming when pet owners include their pets in special events, such as weddings. The photo below shows the love between a bride and her dog!

Photo credit:
In the photo below, this man apparently bought this lion as a cub in the 60’s, and then when it got too big, he let it into the wild. Ten years later, it was like the alpha male in a nature reserve in Africa and was really violent. The guy went to see it, and it walked up to him and gave him a hug.

Soldiers for special bonds with their fellow soldiers, but it always warms my heart when they form bonds with abandoned animals, like in this photo below.

Photo credit:
I always wondered how many bones it would take to test the patience of a dog… now I know!

Photo credit:
In the photo below, a photographer from the Charlotte, North Carolina, newspaper, “The Observer,” noticed this red Doberman in the distance looking at the fireman. “He had just saved her from a fire in her house, rescuing her by carrying her out of the house into her front yard, while he continued to fight the fire. She is pregnant. The firefighter was afraid of her at first, because he had never been around a Doberman before. When he finally got done putting the fire out, he sat down to catch his breath and rest.” The photographer saw the Doberman walking straight toward the fireman and wondered what she was going to do. As he raised his camera, she came up to the tired man who had saved her life and the lives of her babies, and kissed him, just as the photographer snapped this photograph.

It’s always touching to read or see stories about how soldiers overseas have rescued abandoned animals. In the photo below, a small puppy wandered up to U.S. Marines from Alpha Company, in Marjah, Afghanistan. After following the Marines numerous miles, a soft-hearted Marine picked the puppy up and carried the puppy in his drop pouch.

My husband and I had a German Shepherd, named C.T., and she hated cats because when she was younger, she was attacked by a couple of felines. If you just said the word “cat”, she’d go crazy, barking and running to the picture window looking for a cat! She didn’t have any patience for cats, unlike this large group of German Shepherds in the photo below.

Photo credit:
Animals caring for animals, especially when they are of a different species, is a wonderful example of how we as humans should be willing and able to care for our fellow humans!

On a personal note… The photo below isn’t on Pinterest, but I wanted to share how adorable my pets are! In the top photo is our German Shepherd, C.T., who passed away July 5, 2010, and our Chi-Pom Dakota. The bottom photo is of our youngest, Daisy. Dakota was grieving so badly after C.T. passed because they had been together for about 12 years. The vet advised us that maybe we should adopt another pet to help Dakota snap out of his depression, so we adopted Daisy five days after C.T. passed. Thankfully, having Daisy in his life helped him tremendously! It also brought a new ray of sunshine into our lives!

Have a wonderful weekend!
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Very cool stuff!
Thanks… Have a great day and thanks for stooping by my blog and liking this post.
Very cool stuff!
Thanks… Have a great day and thanks for stooping by my blog and liking this post.