Roaming the Outer Banks

I love the beach – the breeze coming off the water as the waves come in, the smell of sea and sand, the hunt for sea shells. Last week, I roamed a small section of the Outer Banks (North Carolina) beach, specifically behind our hotel in Kitty Hawk. The only “tourist-y” thing my husband and I did was visit the Currituck Beach Lighthouse. The base walls of the lighthouse measure over five (5) feet thick.

Enjoy these photos…

Currituck Beach Lighthouse
This is the beach, located behind our hotel!
I was singing that Zac Brown Band song... "I got my toes in the water, ass in the sand...Life is good today!" But the water was cold!
I found this upside-down shell that was filled with a smaller shell, sand and water.
Pretty cool, right?
This was the only sand castle I saw on my walk along the beach.
I just thought this shell was pretty neat looking... wish I had picked it up and brought it back home with me.
I set the timer on my camera and took this picture of me on the beach. It was a cool, breezy day, but the sun was shining! Perfect day to walk the beach, looking for shells!
I don't know what this little black thing is but there were dozens of them laying on the beach.
Does anyone know what it is?
Taking in the beautiful scenery!

One evening, we ate at Pete’s Pour House & Ocean Grille.

Pete's Pour House & Ocean Grille

I ordered the Chicken Nachos Grande and it was definitely a GRANDE order of nachos!

Chicken Nachos Grande... it was definitely GRANDE!

And I can’t believe I almost ate the whole plate of nachos!

I can't believe I almost ate the whole thing!

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    1. Thanks… I’ll have to check into that a little bit more as I’ve never heard of a mermaid”
      Ms purse before. And thanks for checking out my blog!

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